Father Joseph L. Tagg, III

Father Tagg would say, "Let's raise some "CC-Cold Cash" for those that really need it!

The angel of kindness foundation mission

Father Joseph L. Tagg, III lived his calling as a Catholic priest in the Diocese of Memphis, but his true work in God was much more.

Father Tagg believed in helping the poor and the disadvantaged of Memphis through kindness and spontaneous generosity. He loved raising what he called "Cold Cash" and distributing the funds to those he saw in need. He once asked a one legged man on the streets of Memphis if he wanted a new leg. Joseph then raised $5,000 to turn this wheelchair bound man into a person with new life and mobility. 

Father Tagg helped a homeless refugee family get a new start after their home burned down. He got 176 parishioners to raise over $26,000 to help this family make a fresh start after they had lost everything in the fire. 

Father Tagg also helped those in need in smaller ways. He paid several struggling families utility bills to keep the heat on during the cold winter months. He administered to the sick. He always gave to others in what he saw as "God in Disguise."

Father Tagg was a man of action in rallying generosity around people in need.

He would often ask the question of those considering giving to his causes, "Are You In or Are You Out?"

It is in this same spirit of love and generosity that The Angel of Kindness Foundation will serve the people of Memphis just as Father Tagg did.

We will serve those with immediate needs with your help and kindness. 

As Father Tagg would say, "You can make a difference. You can do it."

Would you help The Angel of Kindness make a difference today for the Memphis Community in the name of Father Tagg?

​Thank you for your generosity to the Fr. Joseph L. Tagg, III Fund (Angel of Kindness) through The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis.